General terms
& Conditions
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General terms
& Conditions
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General terms & Conditions

1. Content

1.1 On the day of arrival, the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa shall provide the previously agreed number of bedrooms. All bedrooms are available for check in from 15 hrs and shall be vacated at 12 hrs on the day of departure.

1.2 Should porters be required, our staff is on hand from 7 hrs onwards.

1.3 Should any kind of meeting or syndicate rooms, technical equipment or any other orders be required, separate arrangements shall have to be made prior to arrival.

1.4 On arrival, should the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa be unable for any reason to provide the reserved bedrooms, it shall undertake to provide accommodation of equal standard and shall pay for all resultant additional costs for transportation to the new location alongside any room charges exceeding those originally agreed upon with the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa.

1.5 Should any food and beverage be required for conferences or meetings, separate arrangements shall have to be made prior to the event taking place.

1.6 The final number of guests for a particular meal or similar events has to be confirmed to the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa by the organiser, no later than 48 hours prior to arrival. The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to charge based on the actual number of guests attending the event, should this number exceed the number of confirmed guests on the day.

1.7 If the event includes overnight stay for the guests, the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to charge based on the actual number of guests staying overnight, should this number exceed the final number given prior to the event taking place.

1.8 Should a function go on past 12 hrs, a supplementary charge shall be made for each hour or part of an hour exceeding 12 hrs.

1.9 The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to change the room allocation for any function taking place within its premises as long as the requirements and the interests of the organiser a re satisfactorily and reasonably met. This particularly applies in cases that the number of guests changes on the day of the event.

1.10 The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to make a supplementary charge for any short-term services. The charge shall apply to any amendments to the original program, such as amendments to the set-up of the conference or to the food and beverage agreements.

1.11 The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to charge without prior consultation for additional costs such as extra staff, extra electricity supply (e.g. discotheque) or extra cleaning.

2. Coordination of the Event

2.1 Usage of the premises at the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa

2.1.1 The organiser shall send the full and final program of the event no later then 14 days prior to the event taking place. The program shall include information on the furnishing of the premises, any technical or AV equipment required and any additional information that will ensure the successful running of the event.

2.1.2 The organiser shall send a final list of guests to the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa no later than 10 days prior to the event taking place. The organiser shall provide all home address details of the guests.

2.1.3 To ensure that the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa optimally allocates the bedrooms for the guests, the organiser shall indicate a priority list of the guests as well as any handicaps, allergies or further special requirements of the guests.

2.1.4 To ensure the smooth running of the event, the organiser shall advise the contact person of VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa being in charge of the event of any short-term changes of the program or additional wishes, prior or during the event taking place.

2.1.5 The hotel entrance, the reception area and the lobby must not be used for any display of promotional material or corporate branding. After consultation of the contact person of VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa being in charge of the event, the organiser may install or hang up a company logo (e.g. for the Welcome Desk).

2.1.6 To prevent any kind of damage to the walls of the hotel, the display of any decorations or other objects must be approved by the contact person of VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa being in charge of the event prior to arrival. In this case, the organiser shall guarantee that such objects comply with the fire regulations.

2.1.7 The organiser shall advise the contact person of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa of all deliveries. In order to guarantee the safe storage of material the organiser would wish to send to the hotel prior to an upcoming event or in order to possibly take charge of the issuing of a declaration of personal use for the attention of the customs, the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa kindly asks for the following information:
- Date of dispatch
- How will the material be sent to the hotel (mail, courier service etc.)
- Quantity, size and weight of the material being sent and any further information that ensures the safe arrival of the material
- Content of any material being sent along with its insurance value

Furthermore, the contact name at the hotel and the name of the event shall be clearly labelled/stated on any material being sent to the hotel.

2.1.8 External companies, who delivering technical construction (technical constructions, storage of material) to be constructed within the premises of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa are required to keep all escape routes clear at all times. The contractor is required to inform the external company about all escape routes.

2.1.9 The use of trolleys or similar transport dollies are prohibited on the marble and parquet flooring at the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa.

2.1.10 If music is played or performed (live or recorded), the volume must be maintained at the level acceptable to the hotel and its other guests. We therefore reserve the right to lower the volume of music if deemed necessary. Music may be played up to 1 hrs at latest. The organizer is requested to inform its guests that they should behave quietly in the hotel corridors and show respect for other guests who may be sleeping.

2.2 Food and Beverage

2.2.1 The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa shall be advised of the final choice of food and wines no less than 14 days prior to the event taking place.

2.2.2 The organiser shall provide the hotel with a comprehensive running order of the event no less than 24 hours prior to the event taking place. The running order shall include speeches, refreshment breaks, entertainment or any other scheduled intermission.

2.2.3 Our rich breakfast buffet is available from 7 hrs to 10.30 hrs.

2.2.4 The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa can only deliver and maintain the high standard and quality of food and beverage for which it strives if the guests arrive on time or if it has been informed by the organiser of any delays regarding timings for food service no less than one hour prior to the event taking place. In case of a delay of more than 30 minutes, the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa shall charge any additional cost (exp. staff etc.) accordingly.

3. Terms of payment and cancellation of events/function

3.1 All invoices are to be paid without discount within 30 days of the invoice being issued by the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa. Should there be any queries regarding the invoice, please notify the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa no sooner than 10 days after the is suing date on the invoice.

3.2 The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa assumes that all invoices are to be paid by the organiser. Should the organiser wish to arrange an alternative method of payment or a special division of the invoice, this has to be arranged prior to the event taking place. The organiser shall be responsible for all outstanding charges.

3.3 If the dates stipulated in the individual agreement for the payment of the agreed deposit are not kept to for any reason, VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to call off the event. In this case, VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa shall charge a compensation fee which is similar to the cancellation fee. The date upon which the deposit was due will be seen as the cancellation date.

3.4 The cancellation fee is calculated accordingly to the list in the individual agreement. Should a cancellation only involve a part of the event, the cancellation fee will be amended accordingly.

3.5 In the case that the amount of the pre-paid deposit does not cover the cancellation fee, the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa reserves the right to invoice the organiser for the outstanding amount.

4. Liability

4.1 The organiser shall be fully liable for any loss or damage caused by the organiser itself, by any one working on behalf of the organiser or by the guests. It is incumbent upon the organiser to ensurethat it has sufficient insurance cover.

4.2 The organiser shall be solely responsible for loss and damage of all material and equipment which it brings to the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU. The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa is only liable within the statutory provisions. This is also valid for any material or equipment sent to VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa by the organiser prior to the event taking place.

4.3 If VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa puts any technical equipment at the organiser’s disposal or obtains it from a third party for the organiser, it shall act on behalf of the organiser. The organiser shall be liable for the proper care and the safe return of all equipment and shall exempt the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU Grand Hotel & Spa for any claims of a third party regarding the above.

5. Applicable law and jurisdiction

5.1 This agreement shall be exclusively governed by the substantial laws of Switzerland.

5.2 Interlaken, Switzerland, shall be the agreed and exclusive place of jurisdiction for any legal disputes resulting from or in connection with the contractual relationship between the parties.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 This agreement may only be amended by a written agreement signed by the parties.