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Contact us

Grand Hotel Victoria-Jungfrau AG
Höheweg 41- 49
CH-3800 Interlaken
Phone: +41 33 828 28 28
Fax: +41 33 828 28 86

Commercial Register Entry

Commercial register of the canton Bern
Company registration number: CH-

Disclaimer Data protection statement

Important legal information

Please read through the following terms & conditions carefully before proceeding. Users browsing a VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION website implicitly agree to the terms & conditions below. These terms & conditions apply to all websites of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION:

Copyright and trademarks

The entire contents of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION websites are protected by copyright. All the rights belong to the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION or to third parties (Bern Tourismus, Zürich Tourismus, Interlaken Tourismus, Schilthorn, Jungfraubahn, Rigi). The elements on the websites are freely accessible for browsing purposes only. Any duplication of the material or parts thereof in any written or electronic form is subject to the explicit mention of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION. Any reproduction, transfer, modification, linking or use of the websites for public or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION is prohibited.

As a rule the various names and logos on the websites are registered and copyrighted trade names. No component part of the websites is designed in such a way that a licence or a right to the use of an image, a registered trade mark or a logo is inferred. The act of downloading or copying the websites or parts thereof does not constitute a transfer of any right whatsoever in terms of software or elements on the websites. The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION reserves all rights with regard to all the elements on the websites, with the exception of those rights belonging to third parties.

No warranty

While the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION has taken every care to ensure the reliability of the information contained on the websites at the time of its publication, the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION cannot offer any explicit or implicit warranty or guarantee (also to third parties) with regard to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information on the websites. Opinions and other information on the websites may be changed at any time without prior notice.

The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION accepts no responsibility and provides no guarantee that the functions on the websites will not be interrupted or that the websites of the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION or the relevant servers are free of viruses or other harmful elements.

Links to other websites

The websites contain links to third-party websites that may be of interest to you. Activating those links may entail exiting the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION websites or displaying sections or excerpts of third-party websites within the environment of the websites. The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION has not conducted any checks of the third-party websites linked to the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION websites and is in no way responsible or liable for the content or the proper functioning of these third-party websites. This applies regardless of whether you exit the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION websites by activating a link or whether content is displayed within the environment of the website (embedded content), and, in the case of the latter, whether the information provider of a third-party website is not readily apparent. Establishing such a link or consulting the websites of third parties is exclusively at the user’s sole risk and peril.

Data protection

The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION attaches a great deal of importance to data protection. As a visitor to its websites you yourself must decide what personal data you disclose to us. We draw your attention to the fact that, by visiting our website and reading our Newsletters, you automatically provide us with information that allows us to ascertain how visitors use our website and our Newsletters and which information and offers they find of particular interest. Whenever you make a reservation or request information or other services via our website, we require personal information from you such as your name and address. We will treat your personal data confidentially and process it in anonymous form only. Except where rendering the services you requested, we will process the data exclusively for the purposes of providing individual information to our customers, tailored to their interests and requirements and for our own statistical and marketing purposes. Processing the data enables us to align our websites and our own range of services with the needs of our users. The data is also processed specifically for purposes of market analysis and to ascertain the level of interest in the Hotel’s wide range of offers so that we are able to draw conclusions on how best to tailor the tourist offer to meet demand. Any other use of your personal data, in particular its sale to third parties, is expressly excluded.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google“). Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer to analyse the way in which you use the website. The information generated by the cookies and relating to the way in which you use the website (which includes your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the US and stored there. Google uses the information to analyse the way in which you use the website and to compile reports on the website activities for the website operators and to provide other services relating to the use of the website use and the internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where it is required to do so by law or where third parties process the data on Google’s behalf. On no account will Google associate your IP address with other data held by Google. You can prevent the cookies from being installed by setting your browser software accordingly; however, please note that if you do so, you may not be able to make full use of all the website’s functions. By using this website you consent to the processing by Google of the data collected about you in the manner described above and for the aforementioned purposes.

E-Newsletter and email transmission

The VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION sends out information newsletters by email with additional information about special offers, etc. If you register for this service, we draw your attention to the fact that such emails are generally transmitted unencrypted, and that there is therefore the risk, among others, that such data may be intercepted and read by third parties.

Opt-out policy

You may deregister from the VICTORIA-JUNGFRAU COLLECTION Newsletter at any time. Each Newsletter contains a direct link that allows you to deregister simply and automatically.